
Setting off

This week I’m packing up all my best pieces, and heading off to show my work at two fantastic events: Handmade in Britain at Chelsea Town Hall, London, and Art in Clay at the Farnham Maltings, Surrey. I have some new ideas to share as well as my range of vessels and other objects. Here are

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Setting out

I’ve been focusing on compositions recently, bringing together individual elements that together form a single piece or create a ‘set’ There’s something about composing these elements that fascinates me. It also seems to satisfy my ideas about how my work can be displayed: contrasting porcelain with the dark terracotta. The idea for the ‘grounds’ (the

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Curious Utensils

Alongside making vessels, I have another side to my work; making curious utensils or ambiguous objects. I’ve recently created some more of these small and obscure things using my usual materials of porcelain and terracotta, as well as found objects including metals, wood, fibres and organic materials. When I show them to people they almost always

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Bircham Gallery

A selection of my work will shortly be available at the Bircham Gallery in Holt in Norfolk. The gallery has a fantastic selection of contemporary studio ceramics along with a wide range of  crafts and artwork. The pieces I’m sending include some of my celadon vessels, my grouped compositions and the reduction fired terracotta vessels

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Testing Testing

Its taken some time to get my new gas kiln going but I’m finally getting close to doing my first firing in it. The bespoke swivelling flue is installed, the gas burners are attached, the pyrometer is working, and it gets hot inside! So it’s all systems go. I’m aiming to do my first firing

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