

I’ve been experimenting again. In fact I think I’m always experimenting a bit. I always want to try out things and ideas that are new to me, so I rarely spend a day in the workshop without trying out a variation on a shape, a new glaze recipe, or a new clay body. Recently I’ve been

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Sea Change

I have just opened the kiln to inspect my first reduction firing of 2014. I had been very nervously waiting for the kiln to cool down because the firing itself hadn’t seemed to go particularly smoothly. So this morning, when it was cool enough to open, I inspected the results and found there were some

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Testing Testing

Its taken some time to get my new gas kiln going but I’m finally getting close to doing my first firing in it. The bespoke swivelling flue is installed, the gas burners are attached, the pyrometer is working, and it gets hot inside! So it’s all systems go. I’m aiming to do my first firing

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